Monday, 3 December 2012

Ants and Bees

Ants find the shortest path from their nest to food and adapt to changes in environment all without visual sensing. They will instinctively go for the path with the strongest pheromone and will utilise information gathered from previous expeditions to guide searching when pheromones have deteriorated. This is how they cope with environmental changes. They do this by using multi agent cooperation and use pheromones to modify the environment for indirect communication.
·         Leave the nest
·         Check for pheromone
·         Follow path with strongest pheromone OR check information to fined the last place there was food AND take the shortest route (shorter routes should have more pheromones)
·         Walk in that direct leaving pheromone as you walk
·         Check the path travelled to count the length
·         Find food and return to nest
Using an ant algorithm allows for minimum individual intelligence and self organisation to complete complex tasks.

Another algorithm inspired by insect behaviour is the bee algorithm. Developed in 2005 its goal is to work out the best solution to a problem. Its essentially a form of swarm/herd  intelligence because it mimics a group of individuals working together to solve a problem. It can be very useful in finding the best option when there are lots of possibilities to choose from.
Send out some scouts that randomly search trying to find things that will be useful (relevance, effectiveness etc.), they then goes back to tell the hive which then decides if it's worth taking a better look based on which is most likely to have the best resources out of the array.