Saturday, 30 March 2013

Elephant Algorithm: They Never Forget

At the moment the elephant memories are represented by a 2 dimensional array but I was actually thinking I might put different types of geographical locations in other that just the oasis, and use a 3 dimensional array for the elephant memories. The 3rd index being a 'tag' to distinguish between the type of location. This might end up as polish though as I want all the basics in by the end of this weekend so I can start on the crowd  algorithm.

Elephants can now store information on where the oasis' are located. This is done by calling a remember function on collision, which stores the current x and y position. An elephant will continue to store coordinates as long as there is collision. The result is the storage of not only the geographical location but also its partial coverage (the area in which the elephant travelled). Originally only one coordinate was going to be stored but this way has given the memories more depth and given the algorithm more functionality, without increasing the complexity. I'm very pleased with how this has worked out even though it isn't as planned. However it is currently using arrays 3600 in size, eventually this should be changed to a vector to increase efficiency.  

I would also rather the arrays size was set on the fly at run time based on the number of various locations, which would be randomly placed and in randomly set quantities. Probably with a limit to the amount of locations present based on the screen resolution. The amount of elephants could be generated at run time too. It's likely that these features won't be in the build I hand in in May but I have enjoyed working on this project and so I will carry on working on next semester.

PS2 Project Proposal

I handed in my project proposal for the PS2 module. I plan on allowing the player to 'cast spells' by shooting a fire ball at enemies and the enemies will catch fire too. I'll need a model of some kind to represent the enemies and ill need a chase function so they chase the player, then some kind of collision detection, box probably, nothing fancy. The fire ball will be the main feature as I want it to be an animated texture on a sphere model. I've done this before in my Direct X module last semester so I understand the theory. I need 3 textures of varying opaqueness and layer them on top of each other over the sphere. Then I have to cycle each texture across the surface at different speeds.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Elephant Algorithm Project

It was my intention to finish the 1st algorithm for my innovation project by the end of the month. This leaves me with this weekend and next weekend to complete it (at least the code, write up can come later). Managed to get the collision between elephants and oasis in with no problems. Elephants now know when they are at an oasis or not, they just don't do anything with the information. Next I have to store the information so the elephants can use it.

Narrative Presentation

Spent most of my time this week working on a presentation for my narrative module. The task was to analyse the narrative of a game of your choice to an academic level. So I posed the question 'does having a small development team have an impact on narrative quality'. I chose the game Penumbra for this specifically because the company behind it (Frictional Games) numbered just 3 at the time of development and the game originally started off as a tech demo for their in-house engine. All graphics, audio and writing was outsourced. Even now the company has only 5 employees and the rest is outsourced. But the 4 games they've produced so far could be mistaken for AAA games. Anyway, the problem i had is that i gathered loads more information than i needed too. Then found i had to cut loads of it out to fit it into 8mins. So the end result became a jumble of information that didn't necessarily relate or prove anything. The presentation itself wasn't grate either as this my skills in this area are weak. This aspect of the assessment is only worth 20% so im not that bothered and the good news is that i am going to use all the information i gathered to form my essay for this module, worth 60%. So less work for me.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Tutorial: 2D Box Collision

2D Box Collision


If the corner of one square is inside the other square the collision has occurred. For easier reading write 4 functions which check for possible collision on each side (left, right, top, bottom). Then write another function that compares which sides have a possible collision to figure out if collision has actually occurred.


Write a function that checks collision with a single side. Note: sprite is 30 pixels large and getX and getY return the origin point of the sprite which in this case is the top left corner.

bool Blue::possibleCollisionLeft(Orange* orange)
        //get necessary coordinates
        int blueLeftSide = getX();
        int orangeLeftSide  orange->getX();
        int orangeRightSide  orange->getX() + 30;

        //return true if collision could occur on left side
        if((blueLeftSide <= orangeRightSide) && (blueLeftSide >= orangeLeftSide))
                return true;
                return false;

Write a function like this for all 4 sides.
Then bring them all together in another function to compare which ones return true. And don't forget to check if its even colliding with the object you want. If its not then return true, doing this at the beginning of the function will stop the function comparing all the edge functions for no reason.

bool Blue::orangeCollision(Orange* orange)
                       return false;

        //compare collision function results, return true if a collision has occured
        if((possibleCollisionRight(orange) == true && possibleCollisionBottom(orange) == true)
        || (possibleCollisionLeft(orange) == true && possibleCollisionBottom(orange) == true)
        || (possibleCollisionLeft(orange) == true && possibleCollisionTop(orange) == true)
        || (possibleCollisionRight(orange) == true && possibleCollisionTop(orange) == true))
                return true;   
                return false;

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Elephant Algorith Project

Started on my innovation project, it's all going to plan so far. I've got the basics for the elephant based algorithm demo in. Elephants move around on screen on their own and the geographical locations (oasis) are in too. The next step is to give the elephants a memory back which will probably be made out of an array. Once that's done I have to work out how to transfer data both ways when two elephants have collided. This shouldn't be too hard anyway as the elephants have their own class and so a change to one will change them all. It's more a case of, arrays can confuse me a lot and collision can be a nightmare. Once these two features are in though the rest should be straight forward. Then that's one algorithm and demo down and one more to go. The aim is to get this one finished by the end of this month, and the second one finished by the end of next month, leaving me 17 days until the hand in for polish, paper work and to work on the 4 other modules that are due in on the same day.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Tutorial: Terrain Smoothing

Terrain Smoothing


Take one point. Then take its 9 neighbouring points. Work out the average height of the 9 points, and set it to the original point. Pass it through multiple times to be smoothed more.


The framework already has a function for height generation and a function for random noise generation. It also has a single dimensional array to represent the 2D terrain so the example is in a triple nested for loop. In an ideal world a multidimensional array would better suit the representation of a 2D plane.

  1. The smoothing was put into its own function and called from within the terrain generation function. Strength will be how many times you want to pass the terrain through to smooth it. The higher the number the more it will be smoothed.

bool TerrainClass::GenerateSmoothing(float strength)

  1. Then make a for loop to carry out the smoothing as many times as required.
for(int times; times < strength; times++)

  1. Start cycling through the terrain array.
for(int j = 0; j < m_terrainHeight; j++)

  1. In this example it has to go through 2 loops because it's a single dimensional array.
for(int i = 0; i < m_terrainWidth; i++)

  1. Make a temporary variable to hold the value of the average height for the 9 adjacent heights.
float totalAdjacentHeight = 0;

  1. Find each point using the array (see diagram) and add it to the temporary variable.
i+1, j+1
i+1, j
i+1, j-1
i, j + 1
i, j
i, j-1
i-1, j+1
i-1, j
i-1, j-1

totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j - 1), i - 1].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j    ), i - 1].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j + 1), i - 1].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j - 1), i    ].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j    ), i    ].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j + 1), i    ].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j - 1), i + 1].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j    ), i + 1].y;
totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j + 1), i + 1].y;

7.     Retrieve the original point(the centre position in the diagram) and set it equal to the temporary variable (after you've / 9 (9 for 9 neighbours) this is the average)
m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j), i].y = (float)(totalAdjacentHeight / 9.0);

8.     Close off the function.

return true;

Source Code

bool TerrainClass::GenerateSmoothing(float strength)
        for(int times; times < strength; times++)
                for(int j = 0; j < m_terrainHeight; j++)
                        for(int i = 0; i < m_terrainWidth; i++)
                                float totalAdjacentHeight = 0;

                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j - 1), i - 1].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j    ), i - 1].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j + 1), i - 1].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j - 1), i    ].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j    ), i    ].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j + 1), i    ].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j - 1), i + 1].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j    ), i + 1].y;
                                totalAdjacentHeight += m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j + 1), i + 1].y;

                                m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight * j), i].y = (float)(totalAdjacentHeight / 9.0);

        return true;

DirectX Terrain Smoothing

If added smoothing into my DirectX. The theory behind it is quite simple. Work out each points height by averaging the neighbouring heights. The problem i had was that the framework works out the height terrain with a single dimensional array instead of a multi dimensional array. So i had to use a triple nested for loop just to get it to work.  One for each pass through the smoothing (the more passes you make the smoother the result is), one for the height and one for the width.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Havok Project

This week we started working on the new prototype for the house wrecking game. I worked on making objects randomly drop a coin when it’s smashed. This code will then be used to update the score when a coin is collected. I had to wait to put my code into the project because it relied on a function that someone else was writing. Rather than waiting I went ahead and wrote the code as I knew it wouldn't take long. I then translated it into Lua as I didn't know if the code I was waiting on would be in a component or a script.  Testing ended up being peer programmed because of version control issues, but largely remained the same. I'm not required too but I'm doing to go beyond my task and try to make a ‘COIN’ object actually appear when an object is smashed rather than it just displaying ‘COIN’ to the screen. I have no idea how to create objects from the code alone without using the engine but it seems like it would be something were going to do a lot of and this feature would be needed anyway so it would save time if I did it now.

Lua, from the little I’ve done, seems to be quite a nice language. I was expecting to find the syntax difficult and to get confused between languages as I am working with two. The version control however seems unnecessarily complicated. I’ve never used any version control before so I am unfamiliar with it. But setting it up was a real hassle and I still doing really know how to use it. A lot of us are having problems using the interface.