Started on my innovation project, it's all going to plan so
far. I've got the basics for the elephant based algorithm demo in. Elephants
move around on screen on their own and the geographical locations (oasis) are
in too. The next step is to give the elephants a memory back which will
probably be made out of an array. Once that's done I have to work out how to
transfer data both ways when two elephants have collided. This shouldn't be too
hard anyway as the elephants have their own class and so a change to one will
change them all. It's more a case of, arrays can confuse me a lot and collision
can be a nightmare. Once these two features are in though the rest should be
straight forward. Then that's one algorithm and demo down and one more to go.
The aim is to get this one finished by the end of this month, and the second
one finished by the end of next month, leaving me 17 days until the hand in for
polish, paper work and to work on the 4 other modules that are due in on the
same day.
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